Check out this story to comprehend what is possible for your guests this Christmas

Know for sure: people’s spiritual journeys could begin at your church this Christmas.

No kidding. Just watch the Hernandez’s story. Note the points of engagement and what God did along the way. It illustrates how God uses healthy automatic processes that are already in place or can be activated in your church this December. This includes things as simple as…

  • an invitation from a friend

  • a reason to extend that invitation

  • an environment to point them to

  • pathways that automatically lead them to a group of friends and to meaningful ministry

When I first saw this video, I was amazed at how powerfully a simple assimilation strategy can serve a family like the Hernandez’s and others like them who will be visiting your church this Christmas.

Want to be more ready for that kind of opportunity this Christmas?

Listen to my 12 minute Christmas rant on unSeminary’s Christmas podcast (start at 40m 8 seconds) and learn…

  1. How lighting in your common areas and ambient music volume can determine whether you will be able to follow up on guests or not.

  2. How to engage guests and their kids at least 20 minutes before the program begins.

  3. How to double the amount of guests who give you their contact info by simply changing up the gift you give them

  4. Why following up on Christmas guests necessitates a different approach when following up.

  5. Why promoting a specially designed message series for January in critical to seeing guests return in January.

  6. Learn a simple “hack” for not letting lines form at your guests welcome area/counter.

  7. Form ideas to engage guests in positive ways while they are waiting to get into your auditorium

And, check out free ebook, “The Complete Christmas Engagement Guide” — it’s packed with 70+ action items for everything from first impressions to guest follow-up to recruiting Christmas volunteers.

Greg Curtis
I am a Christ-follower, husband, and father of 3. As a Community Life Pastor at Eastside Christian Church, I overseeing assimilation driven ministry. I am a 3rd generation Southern Californian who is passionate about fostering faith and following Jesus. I value promoting faith in the form of a movement as opposed to its more institutional forms.

You can’t forget to do these 4 things with your volunteers this Christmas


How will being portable impact assimilation? This and more on All About Multisite podcast